The workshop dealt with “Algorithm Auditing” and focused on a project that the City of Amsterdam, KPMG and the University of Amsterdam are conducting. The project will study the usage of algorithms by the City of Amsterdam, and will focus on algorithmic transparency, ethical auditing, and legislation. With: Tamas Erkelens (City of Amsterdam) and Sander Klous (KPMG and UvA). Approximately 20 people joined the workshop and there was a lively discussion. Topics mentioned included: ‘when is an algorithm good enough’, ‘who is responsible when things malfunction’, ‘how can you establish norms and criteria that an algorithm must meet’, and ‘what is a good role for the government in this domain’?
Related articles
Marc Steen: Wees op je hoede, want ook algoritmen maken fouten, in Trouw, 23 June 2018, page 27. English translation: Algorithms also make mistakes.
Marc Steen: Trek op tijd de stekker uit alledaagse artificiële intelligentie, in De Volkskrant, 28 juni 2018, page 24. English translation: Find the plug of your robots.