The Netherlands is an international leader in innovation and ICT. And that is fine, because technological innovation not only ensures economic growth, it also helps devise solutions to important social issues. The biggest threat to our leading position is the rapidly increasing shortage of digital and ICT skilled workers. Both at companies in the ICT sector and outside it, as well as in the (semi-)public sector, the number of vacancies is rising sharply. Education is struggling to keep up with labour market demand, causing tightness in the labour market. That is why Human Capital is one of the priorities for the Topsector ICT.
The sense of urgency increased even more during the corona crisis. Demand for digital services peaked. The corona crisis created an even greater need for digitisation in many sectors, and professional groups that had often lagged behind until now also accelerated their digitisation. The Netherlands therefore needs more digitally skilled and ICT-savvy people to continue working safely, well and effectively. The Human Capital Agenda ICT (HCA ICT) - Dutch has been translated into an action plan to meet the growing demand for ICT professionals and address the need for 'lifelong development' created by digitalisation.
Especially at this stage, it is crucial that companies, governments and educational institutions do much more to interest (young) people in the jobs of the future. In addition, developments in technology are moving at lightning speed, making continuous training and retraining a must. Only if all parties involved work closely together and act together can the innovative power of ICT be maximised and provide the Netherlands with the best economic and social opportunities.
Human Capital Agenda ICT
The Human Capital Agenda ICT (HCA ICT), together with partners, is committed to meeting the growing demand for ICT professionals.
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