Key technologies are an important basis for how we prioritise and fund research and innovation. Indeed, they have the potential to make a major contribution to solving societal challenges and thus influence the way we live, communicate, learn, innovate, work and produce. Key technologies contribute to the quality of life and improve our economic position through new applications, national and international competition and strengthening the labour market.
The basic list of key digital technologies drawn up in 2018 has undergone a recalibration recently, based on broad developments in our society, science and technology. The key technologies and interfaces described create space for emerging technologies and close cooperation between the top sectors.
For Topsector ICT, the number of key technologies has expanded from five to seven. In the coming months, we will keep you updated on what opportunities this offers and will update this website accordingly. So that you can continue to find the right information.
Click here for the Recalibrating Key Technologies 2023 report [in Dutch]
Key technologies and innovation
The complete list of 44 key technologies plays an important role in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Key Technologies, key technology development within the top sectors, the National Growth Fund and NWO calls. It also forms the basis for the deployment of regional funds and EU co-financing. In addition, the list forms the basis for the Ministry of Economy and Climate's National Technology Strategy, to be announced later this year.