Whitepaper DSSC: The value of Data Spaces for Generative AI
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Dit artikel is geplaatst op: CoE-DSC
The rise of Generative AI (GenAI) offers numerous opportunities for businesses and society in Europe. Data spaces are interoperable frameworks that enable data transactions between participants. Based on common governance principles, standards, practices and enabling services, they offer unprecedented possibilities to unlock the data economy.
In a DSSC whitepaper, the authors believe that the synergy between GenAI and data spaces hold significant transformative potential. It can be one of the keys to unlocking the value of industrial, commercial and personal data for Europe and worldwide. These synergies can enable the use of data in an ethical, trustworthy and regulatory-compliant manner, allowing for fairness in data and GenAI value chains, as
well as creating new business opportunities and incentives for data sharing.
Het bericht Whitepaper DSSC: The value of Data Spaces for Generative AI verscheen eerst op Centre of Excellence for Data Sharing & Cloud.