In 2019, the first version of the Cybersecurity Dictionary was completed by Cyberveilig Nederland. In collaboration with the Cyber Security Alliantie
and with input from over 60 organizations, this book was the key to
understanding, connecting, and reading the world of cybersecurity. This
new, updated version was handed over by strategic advisor Liesbeth
Holterman to Daniel Palomo van Es, Head of Dutch Digital Secure &
Cybersecurity at NCTV.
If there is one thing that the digital
landscape offers is the fast-paced environment in which change happens
very frequently. The new version of this insightful dictionary was
recently released which includes updates and new additions to make sure
the reader is up to date with the current flow in cybersecurity. As
dcypher we are very happy to see this progress with such a useful tool,
so we would like to congratulate all the people that ensured this
dictionary is available to give way to a secure and understandable start
of the new year!
The new dictionary can be viewed here digitally, a hardcopy is also available through online ordering.