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DIGITAL Europe publiceert calls, waaronder voor AI, Cloud AI en Cloud data

DIGITAL Europe publiceert calls, waaronder voor AI, Cloud AI en Cloud data

Op de portal van EU Funding en Tenders zijn meerdere zeer interessante calls gepubliceerd. 

Onderstaand een opsomming - in het Engels - van de onderwerpen. 

Gepubliceerd op 22 maart 2024


Tijs Koops

Programmamanager Internationalisering en innovatief mkb

Topsector ICT

Third set of calls

DIGITAL Europe published a third set of calls. The calls are currently open for submission on the European Funding and Tender portal, which include the topics below:

Cloud AI

  1. Reference deployments of European cloud-edge services (industrial IoT Edge and Telco Edge developments)
  2. Energy Data Space
  3. European Green Deal Data Space
  4. Supporting patients’ access to their health data in the context of healthcare services for citizens across the EU
  5. Common European mobility data space
  6. Demonstrating the in-service use of the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) in healthcare settings


  1. AI in support of Quantum-Enhanced Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems
  2. Alliance for Language Technologies (CSA)
  3. Making available a high performing open-source European foundation model for fine-tuning
  4. Alliance for Language Technologies (SG)

AI Act

  1. AI regulatory sandboxes: EU-level coordination and support
  2. EU AI Innovation Accelerator preparatory action
  3. Pilot action for the establishment of future Union Testing Facilities in AI

Cloud Data

  1. Support for Health Data Access Bodies to foster efficient pathways for AI in healthcare
  2. Data Space for Manufacturing (deployment)
  3. Data Space for Skills (deployment)

Cloud data AI

  1. Agricultural Data Space (Deployment)
  2. Competence Centre for 3D (deployment)
  3. 1+ Million Genomes: sustainability and uptake

Advanced Digital

  1. Digital Skills and Jobs Platform

Advanced Skills

  1. Girls and Women in Digital

Best Use

  1. Innovative and Connected Public Administrations

EU Funding & Tenders Portal

Inspiratievideo van DIGITAL Europe

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