Topsector ICT matches partners, for example innovative SMEs, corporations, government agencies (including at the local level), knowledge institutes and educational institutions, to set up coalitions and programmes focusing on the seven current Digital and Information Technologies. Those Digital and Information Technologies (DITs) help in overcoming societal challenges and improving Dutch society’s earning capacity. Under the auspices of those coalitions and programmes, experts (from companies and societal organisations) and researchers work together to solve challenging ICT questions and create new applications. Besides encouraging research and innovation, Topsector ICT’s approach also includes training talented researchers, disseminating knowledge and fostering international partnerships.
The goal is to find the best possible match between innovation partners, knowledge coalitions, programmes and sources of funding, in order to create opportunities for public-private partnerships in the Netherlands and elsewhere.
Topsector ICT helps various groups to identify suitable funding for innovation and fundamental research. Read on for a sample of some of the available possibilities.
Topsector ICT
Topsector ICT is responsible for or involved in four knowledge and innovation schemes:
1. The KIA Digitalisation framework
The KIA Digitalisation provides a strategic framework for programming knowledge and innovation in the fields of digitalisation and digital ICT as part of the Dutch Mission-Driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy (MTIB). NWO arranges for two types of call to be developed every year: a thematic call and a crossover call.
2. Knowledge and innovation programmes
PPP Innovation Scheme (Dutch). Top Consortiums for Knowledge and Innovation (TKIs) may apply for programme subsidies to carry out the PPP programme. The TKIs can draw on the PPP programme subsidy for innovation activities and for projects with multiple partners, using the subsidy for public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
3. SME subsidies
MIT scheme (SME Innovation Stimulus Scheme for Regions and Top Sectors) (Dutch). This scheme is intended expressly to boost innovation by innovative SMEs (Dutch). It consists of five instruments: two at the national level, handled by the Top Consortium for ICT Knowledge and Innovation (TKI ICT) and three at the regional level, handled by the provincial authorities, where proposals are reviewed in accordance with the framework provided by the KIA Digitalisation.
4. International grants and subsidies
One of the key instruments for international partnerships is the Strategic Trade Fairs Programme (SBP). The SBP provides funding for collective Dutch representation at international trade fairs in order to promote the sector as a whole. Its purpose is to improve the opportunities and visibility of individual Dutch companies with international ambitions. Topsector ICT uses the Strategic Trade Fairs Programme across the KIA Digitalisation and the seven Digital and Information Technologies.
The programming of these schemes is handled through the KIA Digitalisation governance structure. The following activities and programmes are being developed under the schemes:
- KIA Digitalisation: (details to follow)
- Thematic NWO call: Digital Identities
- Thematic NWO call for 2024 - under development
- NWO KIC call: Cybersecurity for digital defences
- Crossover call: Development of federative and other data spaces in connection with the energy transition
- PPP-I scheme (details to follow)
- TNO-ICT call - under development
- NWO SIA RAAK call - under development
- SIDN Fund call - under development
- Cybersecurity TKI call: Supply chain security
- Cybersecurity TKI call: System and supply chain security
- Call: Big data for selective breeding (in partnership with the KIA AWF)
- MIT scheme (SME Innovation Stimulus Scheme for Regions and Top Sectors)
- Strategic Trade Fairs Budget
The Netherlands
Topsector ICT helps to give shape to the Dutch government’s mission-driven innovation policy. That policy is supported by NWO, in connection with the MISSIE theme of the 2024-2027 Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC). As part of that theme, every year NWO develops a series of major thematic programmes, focusing on partnerships between knowledge institutes, the private sector and the public sector. The outcomes help to realise economic opportunities, and it is vital to have companies as investors in each research project. Click here to see NWO’s open calls under the KIC covenant.
Every year, NWO invests nearly a billion euros in research driven by inquisitiveness, research focusing on societal challenges and research infrastructure. Other relevant NWO programmes and calls for the ICT research field include Perspectief and the calls under the Dutch Research Agenda.
Besides research at academic universities, ICT research and innovation at universities of applied sciences (UASs) is also stimulated and funded. The Taskforce for Applied Research SIA encourages and funds improved professionalism, improved quality and self-organisation in applied research at UASs. Examples include the concrete performance of research, but also efforts to build networks and platforms. The SIA funding focuses on development and orientation by UASs, research groups and research professors.
List of funding possibilities (Dutch)
SME sector
One of Topsector ICT’s priorities is to increase the level of involvement among innovative SMEs (Dutch) in ICT innovation. Besides the five MIT instruments, SMEs can also draw on various other forms of assistance and funding. Several of them are listed below:
- WBSO: tax facility for research and development (Dutch)
- SLIM: subsidy scheme for learning and development in the SME sector
- FME Technological transitions
- NLdigital services
- Regional Development Agencies
- Techleap
- TNO Fast Track
Partnerships in ICT research, innovation and applications at the European level are of vital importance, and the European Commission offers a number of instruments to stimulate them. The most important of these are described below:
- Horizon Europe | Research and Innovation (the team of advisers/ national contact points at RVO) can help with finding the best available grants and subsidies. Within Horizon Europe, the following cluster is particularly relevant: Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
- Digital Europe (Dutch). Digital Europe part of the European Commission’s digitalisation strategy, and a key driver of Europe’s digital transformation, helping to reinforce Europe’s industry, the SME sector and public organisations.
- Eureka: programme for international market-oriented R&D. Eureka is intended for all organisations conducting market-oriented R&D, in any area of technology or application. Every country has its own schemes and programmes for Eureka projects.
- COST: European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COST Actions are for anyone interested in researching and solving issues at the international level, or bringing together researchers to develop new ideas. A COST Action has a 4-year duration, offering opportunities for exchanging information and fostering innovation in every area of science.